Detailed Application Process
To make you understanding of web pages clearer, each section, where appropriate has a bar that indicates who is responsible for that stage of the process, for example the following bar indicates that your Rotary Club is responsible.
Rotary Club
Application Process (Overview)
The committee have tried to make the application as simple as possible. Email is our preferred method of interacting with the Rotary Clubs and the participant.
The application process is complete when the committee has the following forms:
Registration of Interest form from Applicant
Rotary Club’s Candidate endorsement form
Participant enrolment form filled out by the Candidate
We have created online forms to automate some of the application process. There are four main steps to the application process.
Applicant registers their interest in the programme using the online form on the website
Email is sent to their chosen Rotary Club with completed registration of interest form attached
Email with completed registration of interest form is sent back to the Applicant
Rotary Club conducts an interview and either rejects the application or submits a candidate endorsement to the RYLA organising committee.
RYLA organising committee will contact the candidate with acceptance letter.
Candidate secures their place on the programme by completing the RYLA enrolment form and agreeing to the terms of acceptance.
A registration of interest to attend RYLA that has been received by a Rotary Club
The Rotary Club has undertaken an interview and have put forward the person's name to attend RYLA the organising committee for selection
Rotary Club Candidate Endorsement
Rotary Club endorsement and Club contact person details
Acceptance letter has been sent by the Organising committee to the Candidate advising that the person has a spot on the programme
Host Club
The Rotary Club responsible for organising the District RYLA
Registration of Interest
Individuals who have heard about RYLA should talk to their local Rotary club.
Rotary clubs may identify potential applicants and approach them about RYLA. Rotary Clubs may also advise community organisations that work with and businesses that employ young people. These potential applicants should be directed to the online registration of interest form.
An interested young person will go to the RYLA website and complete the online registration of interest form. As part of the process they will select a Rotary Club that they would like to consider them for sponsorship and a copy of their registration of interest information will be sent to the president of that Rotary Club and/or their RYLA chair.
Please make sure the applicant knows which Rotary Club to select if someone in your club suggested they apply and would like to potentially endorse/sponsor their application
Interviewing Applicant
Rotary Club
It is the club's responsibility to arrange the interview.
Recommended Interview
At least two people on the panel.
Invite past RYLA participant to assist with the interview and/or selection.
It is recommended that all applicants are interviewed.
The interview does not have to be formal. Maybe meet them at a cafe.
Sample interview questions can be found on the Selecting a candidate page
Rotary Club Candidate Endorsement
Rotary Club
After the interview it is important that the applicant is reviewed and either selected for endorsement or rejected.
By submitting this endorsement your club has committed to sponsoring the candidate on acceptance onto RYLA.
The endorsement will require the Club contact to summarise the interview by explaining why the candidate should attend RYLA outlining any attributes that makes them deserving of your Rotary Clubs sponsorship and support.
This information will assist the RYLA Organising Committee in making the final selection of applicants to be invited to the programme.
Completed Rotary Candidate Endorsement forms are to be submitted to the RYLA Organising Committee no later than the 15 January 2022.
If you have interviewed several excellent applicants but are not able to endorse them (for financial or other reasons) please notify the organising committee ( or another Rotary Club to see if they can be sponsored elsewhere.
Unsuccessful Letter
The unsuccessful application letter can be sent out by the Rotary Club if they conclude that the applicant is not suitable for RYLA or by the RYLA organising committee if there are no places left on the programme or on the rare occasion the committee decides the candidate is not suitable for RYLA.
A sample document can be viewed in the appendices of this document or a word document can be downloaded from the
Acceptance Letter
RYLA Organising Committee
Final selection lies with the Organising Committee as there are limited places on the programme. If the endorsement is received prior to the close off date it will be only in very rare cases that the candidate is not accepted on to the programme.
The committee is responsible for notifying the participant of their acceptance on to the programme.
If the participant and/or the Rotary Club have not been notified of the candidate's acceptance within 20 working days the endorsement please contact to find out the status of the application.
Securing their Place - Participant Enrolment
After the participant has received their acceptance letter they are then able to enrol for the programme and secure their place.
Their place is confirmed on the programme when the participant has agreed to the terms of acceptance and filled out important programme details such as emergency contacts, medical information and any change in contact information. A link to this form will be included in their acceptance letter.
The candidate has 10 working days to submit the form to the RYLA Organising Committee
Download the full A Rotary Clubs Guide to RYLA